Stiftung Charité Welcome Reception 2024
On October 9, 2024, the first Stiftung Charité Welcome Reception took place in our Berlin offices – kicking off a new annual event series designed to welcome our new grantees and to provide a platform for networking and personal exchange.
Numerous grantees, alumni and friends of Stiftung Charité accepted our invitation and contributed to a wonderful evening of stimulating and lively conversation.
Special thanks goes to Prof. Dr. Jens Rittscher and Dr. Philipp Mergenthaler (Visiting Fellows), Prof. Dr. Jan Kottner and Patricia Kühfuss (science x media Tandem Program), Dr. Zeynep Akbal (Max Rubner Award), Dr. Karin Steinecke (Clinical Fellows) and Prof. Dr. Ulrich-Wilhelm Thomale (Project and event funding), who presented their projects in engaging flash talks. The talks highlighted the range of our funding programs and set the tone for an inspiring evening all around.